Navigating Reputation Management After Incarceration

Things will get better


6/23/20232 min read


When it comes to managing your reputation after incarceration, it's important to be mindful of how you present yourself and communicate about your past. Let's break down some key points here.

Leave the Past Behind:

Stop dwelling on prison-related topics and jargon in your conversations. Remember, you are no longer in custody, and it's time to move forward.

Stop using negative or vulgar language. Many people pick up bad habits in prison...our advise-stop it and turn over to a new page.

If you've spent one year in prison, give yourself one month to transition your focus away from the past. The rule of thumb is to gradually reduce your references to incarceration one month for each year that you were away.

2. Blend In Naturally:

Understand that people you meet in everyday life won't automatically know about your past unless you disclose it. So don't. Try to act naturally and don't let your history define you.

It becomes a problem when you excessively talk about your time in prison while trying to improve your reputation. Loose lips can have negative consequences, so be cautious about who you share this information with.

3. Ongoing Reputation Management:

Reputation management is a lifelong process. You can't always completely erase negative information from the internet, but you can outweigh it with positive content.

People may search your name online out of curiosity or for various reasons, so it's crucial to consistently put out positive material to counterbalance any negativity.

4. Learn from Public Figures:

Even public figures like Donald Trump face negative opinions online, but positive sentiments can somewhat offset them. The goal is to generate more positive content related to you than negative.

By actively promoting positive aspects of your life, achievements, and personal growth, you can ensure that the positive narratives overshadow any negative associations.

5. Timeframes and Strategies:

Positive postings usually take around six months to accomplish, but search result rankings may take longer. It's important to be patient and persistent.

Continuously adding positive content to your social media accounts and other online platforms can reinforce your reputation management efforts and maintain a positive online presence.

Remember, reputation management is a journey that requires consistent effort and a focus on projecting your best self to the world. By following these guidelines and maintaining a positive narrative, you can shape how others perceive you and move towards a brighter future.